
Utah Valley Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Utah County rise or fall in 2021?


Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Utah County received $5.5 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 354 farmers in cities within Utah County received a total of $7 million in 679 farm subsidies, a 44% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $12.5 million in 832 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Utah County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
OBR Joint Venture$421,535$729,42173%
Olson's Greenhouse Gardens$0$687,500--
Smith Farm & Livestock$292,810$259,288-11.4%
Bruce Hall$0$245,523--
Crandall Farms, Inc.$99,757$168,14368.6%
Lazy S&K$177,402$161,182-9.1%
Redd Summit Ranches, LLC$330,669$157,167-52.5%
River Jordan Mink Ranch$0$149,350--
Orton Dairy, LLC$154,943$131,147-15.4%
Clay Palfreyman$519,483$127,724-75.4%
Bateman's Mosida Farms, LLC$1,531,562$127,173-91.7%
Circle C Dairy, Inc.$163,116$124,608-23.6%
J. D. Jackson$42,207$100,714138.6%
Ault Farms$123,511$95,514-22.7%
Penrod Farms$117,534$85,209-27.5%
ZD Cattle Company$114,061$84,110-26.3%
Lyman Livestock, LLC$54,751$79,84145.8%
Craig Sumsion$78,401$69,825-10.9%
Zale Vacher$49,528$69,56840.5%
Jasperson Cattle Lc$101,715$68,513-32.6%
Buffalo Hills Livestock, LLC$72,941$66,253-9.2%
Sugarloaf Holdings, LLC$11,084$65,151487.8%
Alan Riley Properties, LLC$13,860$64,328364.1%
Whitney A. Hill$24,899$59,047137.1%
Beehive Condominiums, LLC$55,054$57,4244.3%
Orchard View Farms, LLC$90,423$54,834-39.4%
Dan E. Vacher$178,182$52,701-70.4%
Alan G. Swenson$40,442$50,30924.4%
Brent B. Shepherd$3,252$49,2951,415.8%
Larry Carson$109,986$46,885-57.4%
Swenson Farms, LLC$0$46,538--
Kathrine Smith$45,522$45,5860.1%
Stanley R. Smith$45,522$45,5860.1%
Scott McLachlan$325,115$42,785-86.8%
Kyle Holbrook$0$42,553--
Kevin Hullinger$46,947$42,265-10%
Scott Olsen Sheep$173,762$41,707-76%
Jud Harward$63,633$39,248-38.3%
Brent Ault$45,805$36,830-19.6%
Brent E. Money$71,255$36,700-48.5%
Matthew R. Critchfield$30,864$36,46018.1%
Leland Jay Birch$0$33,590--
Clair Anderson O. Farms$49,963$33,326-33.3%
Judy Farms W. L. Pt$30,770$33,0967.6%
Cody Devey Herbst$114,479$32,982-71.2%
John Edward Roring and Corinne Nielson Roring Fami$0$32,859--
Tri-Wilson Ranch, LLC$20,411$32,57659.6%
Steven Hansen$16,849$32,52793.1%
LS Real Estate, LLC$0$32,509--
Rodger B. Hutchings$23,187$30,10729.8%
Stanley G. Lewis$68,565$29,535-56.9%
Brent Reed$29,166$29,1660%
Murdock Livestock, LLC$4,588$28,954531.1%
Scott Murdock, Inc.$28,578$28,5780%
Vern Carson$28,304$26,524-6.3%
Allred Orchards, Inc.$231,685$26,460-88.6%
Tamara Ault$7,488$25,376238.9%
Thomas A. Mower$11,220$25,159124.2%
Ruel Barker$104,937$24,879-76.3%
Mont J. Williams$80,618$24,769-69.3%
Stowe Investment LC$24,735$24,7350%
Jon C. Wilde$0$23,679--
Frank W. Nelson$40,017$22,696-43.3%
Reldon E Barnes$22,693$22,6930%
Cole Shayne Ford$12,958$22,43573.1%
Leona Kay Smith$21,876$21,8760%
Howard Morgan$32,574$21,738-33.3%
Millard N Balzly$16,668$21,49829%
Osborn Services, Inc.$13,475$20,85854.8%
Raquel Holbrook$0$20,575--
Jeff Williams$24,236$20,566-15.1%
Gerald T. Roundy$51,580$20,505-60.2%
David L. Busk$26,631$20,313-23.7%
Natalie Bagley$9,513$20,151111.8%
Butler Farms, LLC$7,298$19,438166.3%
D&M Ranch, LLC$18,225$18,7953.1%
Rex Warner Kay$6,842$17,892161.5%
Smith Brothers Land & Livestock$17,912$17,784-0.7%
The Maize, Inc.$187,522$17,442-90.7%
Joshua McLachlan$77,451$17,148-77.9%
Eldon A. Neves$13,683$17,10725%
Paul J. Roach$19,254$17,083-11.3%
Keith A. Williams$52,818$16,806-68.2%
Duane Carter$8,338$16,59699%
Poison Creek Ranch, LLC$6,308$16,579162.8%
Gary Galt$2,470$16,562570.5%
JS Cattle Company, LLC$0$15,899--
Jim Caras$27,118$15,778-41.8%
Ty C. Tingey$112,054$15,510-86.2%
RT Wilson Cattle Company$30,911$14,988-51.5%
Chad D. Shimmin$29,921$14,975-50%
Michelle Holbrook$49,134$14,682-70.1%
Wolf Triangle Ranch, Inc.$14,611$14,585-0.2%
Bill L. Beck$12,699$14,07410.8%
Ernest Roach Farms, Inc.$34,134$13,791-59.6%
Fowers Fruit Ranch$89,253$13,604-84.8%
Deric Bagley$0$13,457--
Lynn B. Banks$27,661$13,423-51.5%
Rindlisbacher Dairy$16,815$13,343-20.6%
Twigz Nursery, LLC$0$13,260--
Chad Coburn$6,760$13,25296%
Rex E. Larsen$32,307$13,107-59.4%
Blaine Evans$26,227$12,998-50.4%
Dew Farms, Inc.$20,752$12,926-37.7%
Clinton Max Eastwood$7,436$12,66970.4%
Bagley Honey Farm, LLC$14,349$12,491-12.9%
Lynn Swenson$76,112$12,453-83.6%
Steven G. Smith$12,235$12,2350%
David Jerry Pappas$13,175$12,120-8%
Innovasis Properties, LLC$12,010$12,0100%
Scott S. McLachlan Jr.$57,332$11,946-79.2%
K & J Fur Farm, LLC$48,556$11,813-75.7%
Jan Corless$12,760$11,804-7.5%
Dale Cornaby$14,691$11,692-20.4%
Linda Monninger Living Trust$11,650$11,6500%
Krista Black$13,736$11,598-15.6%
Kyle Richard Gunn$0$11,469--
William Kent Pyne$0$11,368--
Joe Montez - Lem Farms$0$11,361--
Lynn R. Hiatt$2,064$11,347449.8%
Utah Beefalo$15,098$11,331-25%
Jeff Stubbs$11,154$11,056-0.9%
Steven W. Sumsion$16,060$10,513-34.5%
J&T Loveless Properties, LLC$51,924$10,500-79.8%
Mike Miner$10,230$10,3791.5%
Cory Campbell$11,237$10,331-8.1%
Florence Ream Living Trust$11,218$10,328-7.9%
Paul F. Bliss$39,340$10,088-74.4%
Lynn E. Jones$2,803$9,868252.1%
Gary Larson$11,373$9,717-14.6%
Palfreyman Livestock, LLC$7,304$9,68532.6%
Neil Lundell$16,834$9,398-44.2%
Rush Creek Properties, LLC$9,376$9,3760%
Eagle Quest$9,328$9,3280%
Boyer Family Trust$9,310$9,3100%
Andrew V. Neves$6,812$9,10933.7%
Robert M and Loraine K Fitzsimmons Rev Trust$9,044$9,0440%
Herbst Family Farm, Inc.$222,325$8,803-96%
3N Cattle Company, LLC$0$8,646--
Riley B. Hall$5,225$8,21957.3%
Bass Family Farms, LLC$0$8,104--
Michael N Roring$9,229$8,042-12.9%
Ervil Z Ewell$6,176$7,94528.6%
Lynn Ray Hales$1,810$7,943338.8%
Ault Cattle Company, LLC$4,502$7,80873.4%
Andre Burnham$1,652$7,733368.1%
Tim P. Green$7,953$7,731-2.8%
Holbrook Farms$53,221$7,680-85.6%
Glen J. Kay$1,617$7,673374.5%
Church and Lawrence, LLC$14,649$7,640-47.8%
David K. Gaskell$8,125$7,431-8.5%
Ronald T. Ludlow$2,511$7,343192.4%
Cameron Smith$0$7,320--
B6 Farms, LLC$103,106$7,056-93.2%
Vickie L. Templin$7,376$6,953-5.7%
Classic Jack Cattlle, LLC$105,654$6,761-93.6%
Keith Lyman$53,909$6,585-87.8%
Rick Giles$3,036$6,239105.5%
Beth J. Jarvis$5,071$6,15621.4%
Cody William Reece Cornaby$7,231$6,116-15.4%
Lew Christensen$13,464$6,008-55.4%
JD Shepherd Farms, LLC$9,767$5,936-39.2%
Spanish Fork Cattle Company, LLC$15,939$5,933-62.8%
Larson Dairy, Inc.$8,942$5,819-34.9%
Tim L. Pierce$15,669$5,798-63%
Jay Evans$11,799$5,725-51.5%
Double M Livestock Company, LLC$23,639$5,666-76%
Bushman Farm & Livestock Company, LLC$27,052$5,617-79.2%
Paul B. Hansen$2,901$5,53890.9%
Paul Bradley Carlson$5,401$5,5272.3%
Matthew Shadle$10,500$5,520-47.4%
Ryan A. Creer$5,538$5,361-3.2%
Hinckley Farms$2,346$5,319126.7%
Amy Ahlstrom$5,219$5,2190%
Douglas J. Richards$0$5,208--
Pyne Farms, L.L.C.$15,111$5,203-65.6%
Shane W. Willes$0$5,189--
B-Bar Ranch, Ltd.$4,730$5,1067.9%
Margery J. Peterson$2,827$5,02677.8%
Karen Thomas$7,655$4,788-37.5%
Whiting & Warren Farms, Inc.$7,859$4,724-39.9%
Larry E. Cook$4,676$4,6760%
Dave Bolen$5,356$4,666-12.9%
Orville Gerow$4,849$4,612-4.9%
Ronald B. Whiteley$14,065$4,604-67.3%
Quentin Francom$2,579$4,55176.5%
Scott Olsen$0$4,545--
Brent Brown$4,544$4,5440%
Rincon Development, LLC$294,752$4,473-98.5%
Larry Diamond$3,883$4,38112.8%
B. L. And M. F. Park Family Revocable Trust$0$4,381--
Daniel Roach$0$4,267--
Dan R. Williams$14,969$4,142-72.3%
R & C Supply, LLC$6,163$4,051-34.3%
Zack K. Vacher$0$4,048--
Jerry Lee Shepherd$27,996$3,982-85.8%
Edna Ruth Vandekraats$0$3,956--
John Vandekraats$0$3,956--
BJS VI, LLC$3,900$3,9000%
Cal Workman$3,900$3,9000%
Woodruff Berry$4,256$3,851-9.5%
Willadene Smith$3,827$3,8270%
Martin B. Larson$9,669$3,733-61.4%
Christopher B. Averett$5,912$3,621-38.8%
Justin Critchfield$17,940$3,365-81.2%
Clarence Neil Sorensen$1,971$3,28166.5%
Ronald S. Jensen$9,053$3,268-63.9%
Christopher J. Pacanowski$3,185$3,1850%
Larry Patterson$3,144$3,1440%
Gary R. Evans$8,839$3,133-64.6%
Steve R. Eyre$0$3,069--
William Andrew Springer$6,494$3,045-53.1%
Matt Jarvis$45,306$3,010-93.4%
Shirlee P. Roper$3,889$3,008-22.7%
Evelyn Faye Christensen$0$2,999--
Casey C. Peterson$1,731$2,90167.6%
Nicholas Russell$0$2,823--
Alan Mecham$2,730$2,7300%
Robert W. Whyte$2,700$2,7000%
Trail Break Ranches, LLC$16,037$2,692-83.2%
Lisa B. Murdock$924$2,609182.4%
Sunnyside, LLC$4,181$2,603-37.7%
Michael C. Erickson$7,600$2,561-66.3%
Kent B. McKell$5,596$2,534-54.7%
Robert Thomas Living Trust$2,859$2,414-15.6%
Paul J. Anderson$756$2,402217.7%
Edman Cattle Operations, LLC$6,278$2,354-62.5%
Scott Williamson$4,630$2,318-49.9%
Richard A. Bonnett$2,807$2,294-18.3%
Adam T. Meinhardt$2,552$2,285-10.5%
Erwin P. Ramsay$2,816$2,266-19.5%
Ryan Curtis Stansfield$0$2,254--
Deanne Christensen$2,959$2,252-23.9%
Delbert Christensen$2,959$2,252-23.9%
Allan Hadfield$0$2,207--
Blaine Cook$2,204$2,2040%
T-E-K Pioneer, LLC$2,161$2,1610%
Sorensen Bros Farm, LLC$9,625$2,132-77.8%
Stephen Holbrook$2,669$2,116-20.7%
Justin Aden$0$2,101--
Laurie Clark$2,095$2,0950%
Kevin Milner Madson$45,044$2,090-95.4%
Jarrett Irrevocable Family Trust$4,620$2,046-55.7%
Wayne Peterson$2,765$2,046-26%
Halladay Farm, LLC$8,646$2,043-76.4%
Broken Diamond Livestock$4,788$2,033-57.5%
Daniel W. Hoyt$6,673$1,954-70.7%
James Cornaby$8,602$1,898-77.9%
Neil C. Oldham$1,023$1,87483.2%
Stephanie Preisendorf$1,866$1,8660%
Kent Haskell$0$1,859--
Ron P. Jensen$4,677$1,850-60.4%
Elaine C Biesinger Living Trust$5,843$1,821-68.8%
Cindy Reed$1,816$1,8160%
Jeremy Sorensen$0$1,774--
Lurae S. Ault$1,760$1,7600%
Jacob Jay Giles$8,524$1,724-79.8%
Leon C. Nelson$281$1,656489.3%
CLW Farms, LLC$3,092$1,646-46.8%
Craig W. Christensen$2,350$1,626-30.8%
Kent D. Loosle$141$1,6161,046.1%
Jacobson Holdings, LLC$10,290$1,614-84.3%
Milo F. Muhlestein$0$1,605--
John L. Stewart$935$1,59770.8%
3 L Farms, LLC$2,550$1,592-37.6%
Soa Investments, LLC$2,660$1,580-40.6%
Wesley Ottesen$1,558$1,5580%
E & D Farms, LLC$1,606$1,512-5.9%
Anna-Marie Bass$0$1,504--
Ryan M. Oram$1,792$1,451-19%
JS Cattle Company$6,961$1,366-80.4%
Dale Beckstrom$2,827$1,361-51.9%
John M. Bosshardt$2,395$1,295-45.9%
Williams L&L C/O Roger Williams$2,685$1,252-53.4%
Norma Jameson Trust$1,244$1,2440%
Troy Oberg$8,793$1,228-86%
Anderson Family Trust$825$1,21947.8%
Wells E and Betty S Ellertson Family Farms, LLC$0$1,202--
Kelly M. Nielsen$0$1,201--
Richard Wolf$0$1,188--
Francis Nordmeyer Family Living Trust$5,478$1,184-78.4%
Leo H. Ault$1,841$1,165-36.7%
Rob Argyle$11,311$1,156-89.8%
F I Cook Irrevocable Trust$1,136$1,1360%
Rebecca Miller$1,064$1,0640%
Kim Hansen$7,462$987-86.8%
Tangie Walpole$967$9670%
Allan Hadfield$7,096$958-86.5%
Shane Albert Cornaby$5,179$958-81.5%
Dean M. Clark$787$95721.6%
Brad Barton Presentations, Inc.$0$955--
Dorothy Soucek$2,394$946-60.5%
Rebecca Williamson$1,796$898-50%
Rodney Glenn$0$888--
Linda Olpin$587$83742.6%
Janice Carson$6,923$833-88%
Scott R Holbrook Living Family Trust$0$830--
Jay Youd$891$804-9.8%
Tetlar Foundation$794$7940%
Brad H. Mabey$0$794--
Brad Leifson Beck$856$767-10.4%
Deanna M. Brown$0$744--
Boyd Anderson & Sons, Inc.$2,057$722-64.9%
Kim Elliott$0$718--
Harold Wayne Preston$1,045$712-31.9%
Jason Riding$4,081$700-82.8%
Fox River Holdings, LLC$1,141$636-44.3%
Payden Luke Osborn$3,058$624-79.6%
Jane Ervin$622$6220%
Reagan James Lavery$2,838$620-78.2%
Jennifer Onken$544$62014%
Jacqueline Brandt$977$608-37.8%
Todd Corbett$1,881$576-69.4%
David Den Boer$152$568273.7%
Jay Carroll$3,118$551-82.3%
Dennis Beck$0$540--
Lisa Johnson$0$540--
Vernon Stout$1,097$537-51%
Dorothy E. Bush$743$523-29.6%
Buckland Trust$522$5220%
Kent Wilson$318$50960.1%
Few Farms, LLC$24,289$496-98%
Richard Reed$1,747$493-71.8%
Aaron D. Evans$1,619$454-72%
Mark Buiel Magee$442$4420%
Lisa Ann Muirbrook$442$4420%
Kelly M. Nielsen$0$428--
E Young Ranch, LLC$6,150$420-93.2%
J R Bloomer & Son Cattle Company$1,650$407-75.3%
David Harvey$543$401-26.2%
Jerry Jackson$0$382--
Robert J Jamsa$0$368--
Wm Garry Brown$796$359-54.9%
Todd Den Boer$373$346-7.2%
Kara Holmes$3,800$345-90.9%
Engle Family Trust$518$319-38.4%
Wilson Ranch Lc$818$281-65.6%
Taylor Family Trust$822$277-66.3%
Edroy Anderson Trust$0$263--
Smartway Farms, LLC$10,250$255-97.5%
Lloyd D. Dotson$2,195$242-89%
Tyler J. Thomas$1,210$242-80%
Raymond D. Mecham$264$226-14.4%
Johawc, LLC$370$216-41.6%
Emma Wightman$66$178169.7%
Jeff L. Osborn$1,482$153-89.7%
Barbara G. Kirk$0$144--
Teresa F. Valdez$243$137-43.6%
Marti Anne Brown$76$12361.8%
Ronald Ekins$609$114-81.3%
Arthur F Mitton Trust$0$103--
Lincoln Douglas Fuqua$148$82-44.6%
Zachary R. Jensen$203$51-74.9%
Fred P. Vincent$802$51-93.6%
Francis Lee Humphrey Family, LLC$23,310$0-100%
Brad Roberts$25,507$0-100%
Drift Wood, LLC$20,338$0-100%
Evan H. Ault$1,815$0-100%
Janice A. Pace$4,620$0-100%
Kyle Holbrook$47,516$0-100%
Raquel Holbrook$19,513$0-100%
Shoreline Farms$28,223$0-100%
Samuel I. Stewart$1,344$0-100%
Sheila Cook Mckinney Trust$2,942$0-100%
The Clyde and Carolyn Cook Family$4,957$0-100%
The Clyde and Carolyn Cook Family Trust$434$0-100%
Rigtrup EGG Farm, LLC$500,000$0-100%
Layne Shepherd$3,488$0-100%
Mike D. Olsen$4,287$0-100%
Bradford Family Trust$1,803$0-100%
Jessie H Sudweeks Irrevocable Trustee$1,950$0-100%
Dane Dixon Mink Ranch, LLC$38,658$0-100%
Stanley R. Cook$743$0-100%
Roger F. Preston$384$0-100%
S & G Holbrook Family Limited Par$21,903$0-100%
Scott Holbrook$34,822$0-100%
Scott R Holbrook Living Family Trustee$830$0-100%
Trevor Max Beckstead$6,042$0-100%
Wells E and Betty S Ellertson Fam$2,434$0-100%
Jesse W. Warren$208$0-100%
New Star Capital, LLC$2,695$0-100%
R & B Farms, LLC$565$0-100%
Sweetland Honey, LLC$18,969$0-100%
Crystal Homestead Estates, LLC$15,704$0-100%
John Edward Roring and Corinne Ni$33,459$0-100%
Patricia L Newman Trust$15,240$0-100%
Tim K. Crandall$10,763$0-100%
Cameron Smith$9,049$0-100%
C Beckstead Enterprises$23,864$0-100%
C&T Fenn Farms, LLC$28,499$0-100%
Christopher R. Riley$27,494$0-100%
Gregory R. Callaway$1,495$0-100%
Jared William Beddoes$1,495$0-100%
K & TL Corporation$33,300$0-100%
Mcmullin Orchards, Inc.$100,760$0-100%
Melvin Meredith$22,457$0-100%
Morgan Andrews$2,860$0-100%
Olson's Garden Shoppe, Inc.$118,522$0-100%
Red Rock Farms, LLC$11,997$0-100%
Rodney Davis$825$0-100%
Rowley's Fruit Farm, Inc.$50,293$0-100%
Sorensen Fruit, LLC$21,722$0-100%
South Shore Farms LC$101,601$0-100%
Verl C Sudweeks Family Trust$4,405$0-100%
ZT Farms, LLC$23,864$0-100%
Christie A. Crookston$331$0-100%
Gary King$1,054$0-100%
Red Eyed Drifter$16,705$0-100%
CX5 Limited$49,960$0-100%
Dora Jean Cherry Revocable Trust$856$0-100%
Joseph Custer$276$0-100%
Joseph W Jackson Family Trust$3,864$0-100%
Larry L. Francis$36,354$0-100%
Scott G. Smith$6,105$0-100%
Williams J Hugh Living Trust$75$0-100%
Cody B. Smith$4,785$0-100%
Kurt Christensen$2,530$0-100%
Matthew Marziale$770$0-100%
McCade Kirt Gurney$660$0-100%
Michael Anderson$770$0-100%
Robert Jamsa and Margaret Jamsa R$6,540$0-100%
Sunfish Fish Farm$42,757$0-100%
Alex Beckstead Farms, LLC$23,864$0-100%
Anna-Marie Bass$6,985$0-100%
Blue Star Ranch, LLC$11,714$0-100%
Byron Mcneil Betts$13,859$0-100%
Cheryl K. Leifson$17$0-100%
Corless Land & Livestock$147$0-100%
Denton Worthington$2,323$0-100%
Gary Hubbs$13,165$0-100%
Jarvis Sheep Company % Matt Jarvi$11,920$0-100%
Jed Ray Corless$880$0-100%
Joseph Olsen$6,885$0-100%
Kasey Ray Bartlett$4,950$0-100%
Ray Lynn Hurst$653$0-100%
Ronald Engle$85$0-100%
Shepherd's Processed EGGS$500,000$0-100%
Shirl Don Shepherd$8,010$0-100%
Sorensen Angus Ranch$6,920$0-100%
Steven Johnson$1,330$0-100%
Timpanogos Farms, LLC$23,178$0-100%
Wade Williams$1,028$0-100%
Wayne J. Stone$1,403$0-100%
Sage Valley Cattle Company$50,930$0-100%
Total subsidies$12,533,969$7,018,034-44%


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