One of the major traffic safety concerns in Saratoga Springs is the safety of children as they walk and bike to and from school. Our goal is to help residents understand the various roles and responsibilities for creating and implementing Safe Walking Routes.
Getting Kids to School Safely
The first responsibility for school route safety belongs to students, parents and motorists. We all have a responsibility to walk, bicycle and drive safely to school, and those driving vehicles in areas where children walk to school need to be extra cautious. Teaching our children safe walking and bicycling skills is an important preventive measure.
Bus Transportation for Students
The Alpine School District provides bus transportation for students in accordance with state-adopted standards. The State Board of Education provides funding for bus transportation for students living a certain distance from school, and occasionally for bus services for students who would otherwise cross or walk along hazardous roadways.
Students Who Walk or Bike to School
For students who walk or bike to school, state law provides very specific standards on where and when to provide school crosswalks, warning lights and/or crossing guards. In 1992, the State Legislature imposed uniform standards for school crossings in an attempt to make the rules, the warning signs and the management of crossings predictable and uniform around Utah.
Charter Schools
With the advent of charter schools in Utah, applying safety standards for school routes has become more difficult because charter schools typically have no set boundaries. Many parents drive their children to charter schools, but some children in the neighborhood may walk, and some charter schools operate their own buses
Original source can be found here.